Grievances Policy

Their common ground is referred as the ‘BBB’ definition, which defines Open Access to peer-reviewed research literature as-

MedScience Journal’s Grievances policy clearly states that the contribution of every author in should be credited as well as it is also important that a person not be named as an author when he or she is not.

Complaint record Process

In case an author perceives any misconduct in any applicable policies and ethical instructions,he/she has the right to register their complaint. The Grievances Redressal Team will do the thorough investigation of the matter and provide suitable solution. The authors are requested to submit their complaints

Complaints categorization

The authors are suggested to go through the publication policies before raising any complaint underfollowing categories:

  • Plagiarism
  • Copyright violation
  • Deceiving in research results or wrong research results
  • Violations in set standard for research
  • Unrevealed conflicts of interest
  • Bias in review process
  • Manuscript processing time is unusually late
  • The peer-review comments are unsatisfactorily
  • Authorship issues
  • Policy for Dealing with Complaints

Once a complaint is received, at first an acknowledgement is sent to the complainant with assurance that appropriate action will be taken on complaint within three working days excluding the complaint receiving date.

The investigation process is initiated by the Journal handling team according to the directions of the Editor-In-Chief. After the investigation is over, a meeting is held with complete report on the complaint. The decision is taken in and the same is forwarded to the concerned scholar through his/her registered email ID.