Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Healthcare
International Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Healthcare (IJGWH) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research papers, short communication, case studies, review articles, and essays in obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health. The Journal delivers cutting-edge advancements in diagnostic procedures, related to female reproductive system, pregnancy, child birth, therapeutic protocols for the management of diseases, and innovative research in gender-based biology that impacts patient care and treatment.
IJGWH journal also spread awareness about optimal health to adolescent girls & women with a focus on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of fertility disorders & diseases of gynecological and breast origin, as well as related genetics, genitourinary medicine, gynecologic cancers, vaginal ailments, obstetrics , hormonal problems, surogynecology and reproductive medicine, etc
Each article submitted to the open access international scientific research journal is exposed to exacting counterfeiting quality check through our twofold check measure including programming and manual checking to keep an excellent distribution methodology. Once article passes through this step, articles are subjected to editorial review for scope, reviewer’s comment, relevance and other standard requirements.
We are resolved to provoke assessment and distribution of completely acknowledged papers in our research journals. To keep a great distribution, all entries go through a standard audit measure. Med Science Journals follows a Double-blind reviewing procedure in which referees remain anonymous to the author(s), whilst the identity of the author(s) is likewise unknown to the reviewers.
IJMRS Editorial Board
Dr. Nupur Nagarkatti - Editor
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Surgery, Yale School of Medicine, San Antonio, Texas , USADr. KONSTANTY BUGAIEWSKY
Department of Medical and Biological Foundations of Sports and Physical Rehabilitation, The Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University,Dr. Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.Overview from Submission to Publication
Article which has submitted by author will be received by the Editorial office.
Author will receive an acknowledgement by email.
All newly submitted papers are first considered by the Assistant Managing editor and then forwarded to Managing editor of the journal.
If the manuscript is rejected at Pre-QC Stage, Author will receive the email within 48 hours. Reasons for Manuscripts rejected are given below:
• article relevancy is necessary, If the manuscript does not fall within the scope of the journal
• If the submitted manuscript is incomplete or not following the guidelines
• If the content is plagiarized and published before
The remaining papers are sent out for double-blind (stage-2nd) for peer review. Authors will receive a comment on the manuscript within 20-25 days on average and 7 days in case of fast track review.
In case of article revision required, all the comments of editor & reviewers will be sent to author along with the original version of manuscript. Author should submit the revised version for further revision to the editorial office within 15 days. Time of extension can be extended as per author’s request to the editorial office. Final decision of the manuscript will relies on Editors comment.
If accepted by editors & reviewed by reviewers, authors have their papers published online as soon as 1 week after acceptance. All the accepted articles will be published online. Editorial office will take care of submitting the published articles to various indexing sites.
Article Statistics
- Submission to First Decision 19 Days
- Acceptance Rate 60%
- Acceptance to Publication 6-8 Days
- *Average article statistics from the last 12 months data
Highlighted Topics included in IJGWH:
- Abortion and Contraception
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Breast Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Child Birth
- Domestic Violence
- Endocrinology
- Gynecology Oncology
- Internal Medicine & Women Issues
- Malnutrition
- Mental Health
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Pregnancy and Reproductive Health
- Psychological Disorders
- Sex-Based Biology
- Women Care
- Women: Mental Health
- Women: Postmenopausal Health
- Neurology and Brain Disorders
Best Journals Category
Submit Manuscript
The manuscript should be based on the word format specifically made for Med Science Journals, only accepted in English (international) language.
Author can submit their Original Research articles, case reports, review articles, editorials, short communications, letters to editor, book reviews and other scientific information in all disciplines of Medical Field.
Author may submit their manuscripts as attachments to the email at: or you can submit manuscript online